Gifts Of Stock Or Appreciated Securities

Take advantage of appreciated securities while avoiding capital gains tax by making a donation of your assets.

Giving a gift of stock, securities, or mutual funds is one of the most advantageous methods for purposes of maximizing your charitable deduction of federal income tax purposes and an efficient way to support our mission.

When donating stock, please consider a gift of appreciated stock. If you donate stock that has been held for a year and has increased in value since owned (and if you itemize deductions), you can take a charitable deduction for the stock’s fair market value on the day you donate. You’ll also avoid capital gains taxes on the increase in value over time.

Gift of stocks and bonds can be transferred electronically or by certified mail. Contact your investment broker or bank for instructions.

Gifts of securities are valued at the market value on the date the certificates are transferred. For publicly traded securities, market value is computed as the average of the high and low market prices on the date of transfer. Securities that have decreased in market value from the time of purchase can still be used to make a significant gift. If you sell the securities and donate the proceeds, you can deduct both the loss and the contribution. Mutual fund shares are valued using the closing price for the fund on the date of the gift.

Please let us know if you have already named us as a beneficiary of your retirement assets. We would like to thank you and recognize you for your gift.


This is general information we are happy to discuss further. We do however recommend you review your charitable gifting plans with your financial advisor, and/or estate attorney, to best understand how a charitable gifting strategy could benefit you.