Generously Supported By Hundreds Of Community Members

Get Involved

There are many ways to support our mission.



Upcoming Events

Join us for one of our upcoming events. Sponsorships help ensure that funds raised go directly to support students. Learn more about upcoming events and how to get involved.

July 29 - Aug. 31, 2024

Write from the Start Supply Drive

August - October 2024

VPS Staff Campaign

November 11-22, 2024

Student Chest Drive

March 23, 2025

Couve Clover Run

May 22, 2025

Annual Luncheon


Make an Impact By Hosting a Fundraiser or Drive.

Creating your own fundraiser to support our General Fund or hosting a drive is a great way to make a difference in the lives of Vancouver youth.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss your fundraising ideas, or if you need materials to help you fundraise. We are here to support you with various tools to help in your fundraising success. 

Ready to make an even bigger impact? Be a Community Builder today!

Be a Role Model​

Interested in volunteering? We’re working year-round to help students attending Vancouver Public Schools. We invite you to join in our efforts! We support the VPS Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program which is always looking for helping hands, and the need for volunteer support is growing. Please complete and hand in a Volunteer Clearance Packet to let volunteer coordinators know your areas of interest.

Learn more about ways to Volunteer through VPS.